The Building 4th Podcast
Welcome to the Building 4th Podcast where we explore the Perennial Philosophy from various lenses including the psychological, theological, spiritual, conventional, and esoteric. Our points of emphasis include the Hebrew and Christian scriptures (including the non-canonical Christian texts), the Law of One material, the Enneagram, Process thought (ie Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism) integral theory, and developmental psychology.
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
The Nature of Our Sub-Logos with DeMarcus, part 2
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
In this second presentation, DeMarcus discusses the history of our solar system and the planets involved that have hosted 3D life. It also looks at the common themes/results of evolution between the planets and how those are linked to the decisions of our Sub-logos.
Monday Jun 13, 2022
The Nature of Our Sub-Logos with DeMarcus, part 1
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Building 4th community member, DeMarcus, offers three presentations on the nature of our sun, the sub-logos. This presentation touches on what the Logos is and dives into the metaphysical nature of our Sun and its functions, design, and choices as a Sub-logos.
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
This is the third episode in a series given by Doug Scott, LCSW to the Building 4th community.
Show notes:
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Integral Theory, Part 2: A Law of One view on Earth’s third-density experience
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
This is the second in a series of episodes offered by Doug Scott, LCSW, to the Building 4th community.
Show notes:
Brian Mclaren:
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Integral Theory, part 1: A Law of One view on Earth’s third-density experience
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
This is the first episode of a series on Integral Theory presented by Doug Scott, LCSW, to the Building 4th community. This podcast features an introduction of Integral Theory as it pertains the common disclosure movements, biases, worldviews, and ways that we can discern open-hearted living.
For information on the topics discussed, click below:
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Doug and Troy (www.troycaldwell) engage in a wide-ranging discussion on a few perspectives of the Jesus Event. We discuss the nature of archetypes from a Jungian angle and how manifest in our third-density experience. We highlight how the Jesus Event could have been a type of installation, or manifestation, of the Great Archetype--the Ankh--which brought to bear the "Reconciling Force" inherent when there are two previous seemingly irreconcilable forces colliding headlong into each other.
In our case, the human collective consciousness became so locked into the inertia of bellicosity where scapegoating, revenge, payback, and the call for aid formed a metaphysical karmic logjam of cosmic proportions. This collective-karmic inertia kept our collective consciousness stubbornly well-below harvestable levels even as our portion of the galaxy was about to enter into a new field of metaphysical consciousness which would give rise to the next stage of evolution: the fourth-density experience. Indeed, the train of our third-density collective consciousness raced rapidly toward an immovable cosmic "object" composed of a density of consciousness that was simply as incompatible as water is when poured into a vat of thick oil.
How did the Logos plan and execute a pathway that resolved the planetary drama? Tune in and see what you think?
I invite listeners to check out Dr. Caldwell’s book, Adventures In Soulmaking
Some terms may not be familiar such as "space/time," "time/space," "third density," as well as some Christian metaphors that are common within that belief system.
The following is taken from Gary Bean's concept guide,
A density is one of seven (or eight, depending on the perspective) dimensions, levels, or cycles of evolution in an octave of experience. It is called a “density” because each successive level is more densely packed with light. As with notes on a musical scale, seven densities are grouped together into an octave where the eighth density begins the first density of the next octave, this repeating infinitely.
Each density represents a quantum vibrational spectrum or portion of intelligent energy, constituting a fundamentally different level of reality and awareness for the constituents of that density.
Designed by the Logos, every density of experience offers its own set of lessons and parameters that must be learned and understood in order to cross the threshold and graduate from one density to the next. Each density completes its cycle according to the predetermined, clock-like rhythms of intelligent energy.
Every density has seven sub-densities. Every sub-density has seven sub-sub densities. And so on, infinitely. The core vibrations of the seven densities have correspondence to the seven true colors and the seven energy centers.
The seven densities of our present octave include:
· First Density: The cycle of awareness; associated with red ray; the foundation for all that is to come, traversed largely in timelessness until space/time is realized. It consists of the elements of earth, wind, fire, water.
· Second Density: The cycle of growth; associated with orange ray; the cycle of movement and striving toward the light. It consists of single-celled microscopic life at the lower end to advanced animal and plant life at the upper end.
· Third Density: The cycle of self-awareness; associated with yellow ray; the density of The Choice (service to others or service to self); the first of the activated spirit complex. It consists of humans or, as Ra calls them, mind/body/spirit complexes.”
“Fourth Density: The cycle of love or understanding; associated with green ray.
· Fifth Density: The cycle of light or wisdom; associated with blue ray.
· Sixth Density: The cycle of love/light and light/love, or love and wisdom, or unity; associated with indigo ray.
· Seventh Density: The gateway cycle; associated with violet ray; the density of completion and turning towards timelessness or foreverness.
· Eighth Density: The octave which moves into a mystery Ra plumbs not; associated with pure white light; intelligent infinity.”
[Excerpt From
The Ra Contact Resource Series: A Concept Guide
Gary L. Bean
This material may be protected by copyright.]
Thursday May 12, 2022
The Disclosure Episode: The Law of One, Ascension, and the Disclosure Movement
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Doug and Fred share their understanding of disclosure and what it means for the human collective. Doug shares his experience working tangentially with some well-known disclosure advocates a few years ago and Fred weighs in with his intrigue with disclosure especially as a person of color. Our hope is that we offer an integral understanding of disclosure that engages, challenges, and inspires.
Thursday May 05, 2022
Near Death Experiences: Glimpses of a Grand Perspective
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
Presentation: Dr. Troy Caldwell, MD, retired a few years ago from a lifetime of serving others as a Jungian psychologist and psychiatrist. He is also a master spiritual director who helps people find their direction and new depth. Here, Dr. Caldwell presents on Near Death Experiences (NDE's) to the Building 4th Community. His website is
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Faith, Love, and ”God Winks”
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Guest is Barb St. James, member of the Building 4th community. Over the past year and half, I've learned to trust Barb's amazing heart and ability to show up in life with real integrity and authenticity. I asked her if she would be willing to write down her personal narrative as she sees it so I could post it on the Building 4th Cosmic Christ blog. I hope you enjoy Barb's offering and join me in honoring her vulnerability. --Doug Esse
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Q’uo On Life Between Lives (featuring Neal)
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Building 4th member, Neal, offers insights from the channeled source, Q'uo, on what happens when we die. This is a hopeful and interesting presentation.
Our Vision
Ra says, “The Original Desire is that all entities seek and become one” (20.27). The “oneing” arises across ever increasing complexity. Complexification is evolution, and evolution is gained “by the losing,” as Ra mentions in 93.24.
It is sometimes said that there are three boxes that lead to evolution: Order, Disorder, and Reorder. Individually and collectively, we have to a sense of ‘order’ so that we develop identity. Then, we have to go through ‘disorder’ so that the experience the expansion and transformation of our ‘order’ gave us. We arrive at ‘reorder,’ but not after considerable deconstruction. In a world whose sense-making worldviews and institutions are thoroughly in disorder, how can we hold the depth of meaning so that we live into new spaces of inner and collective freedom? Our podcast hopes to be a small voice in the desert (disorder) which attempts to integrate, not segregate; unite diversity, not demand uniformity; include the pieces of disorder so that we may transcend into reconstructing–reconciling–reordering–renewing–the ever ancient, and ever new.
Building 4th is the name of our small spiritual community that is centered around the cosmic law known as the Law of One.
What does “Building 4th” mean? [see below for further descriptions of each of these four points]
- Building the Fourth Density [1]
- Building the Fourth Energy Center [2]
- Building the Fourth Way [3]
- Building Forth On Our Spiritual Evolution [4]
Building 4th’s Fourth Way is to embrace an incarnational spirituality grounded in the immediacy of our life-situations.
- We seek to learn in order to serve: We affirm that whenever we study the Law of One or other spiritual material, whether on our own or as a group, this is for the purpose of crystallizing our spiritual principles and learning how to embody them.
- The mundane is sacred: We affirm that there is no separation between the ordinary world and divinity. For example, doing dishes is an act of the Creator knowing Itself and can be supremely sacred.
- Love is our metric: We affirm that any teaching or belief, whether conventional or esoteric, is valued by how well it helps us love and understand ourselves and others, including those others whom we perceive to be different or even antagonistic.
- The way down is the way up: We affirm that our ordinary lives are rich in opportunities to grow spiritually. We try to bring our full presence and open heart to each moment, even–and especially–the difficult ones. We are learning that there is no escaping the conditions that foster our personal growth and therefore our goal is to embrace each challenge wherever we discern that it is safe and appropriate to do so. And even in dangerous, unsafe situations, we want to hold the assurance that the creator’s love is with us and we are immortal spiritual beings. In short, the ascension process is not a journey up and out of this difficult third-density illusion, but rather a movement down and into it more.
- The importance of humility: Ra suggests that to become the creator, “[…]renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and able to know and accept others.” We trust that our understanding is ever evolving, thus we try to hold our own views and various identities with humility. We acknowledge that admitting we don’t know fully requires some level of vulnerability and this can be uncomfortable.
We are inspired by the perennial philosophy that undergirds most of the world’s major spiritual traditions. For us, one primary description of the perennial philosophy is the Law of One material.
We are also informed by the academic disciplines of psychology, sociology, and theology, as we endeavor to weave a healthy synthesis between the conventional and the cosmic, the exoteric and the esoteric, and micro and the macro [4].
We hope that you enter the adventure with us and that you’ll enjoy our podcast.